

我们的就业服务中心, 位于吉布斯大厅111室, seeks to connect local employers who have job openings to current 希德 CC students or recent 希德 CC graduates who are seeking jobs in those fields. We also prepare students and graduates to talk to employers about those jobs.


The 职业技术实习 offers you up to 320 hours of paid 工作经验 in a related field of study. Eligible students will receive personalized coaching with a 职业服务 Coordinator, possible college credit when successfully completing the 实习, and will make connections with industries in their career path.

*Applicants must have completed at least one semester in their program of study.


学生 & 校友服务

找工作 & 人际交往技巧

We offer a variety of tools and resources to assist you in preparing for your job search. Those resources include providing assistance with resume and cover letter writing, 面试准备, 有关招聘政策的规定, and all other tactics and strategies for guiding employment.

Networking is simply gathering information from and making contacts through the people you already know. Recruiting experts agree that a very small percentage of jobs are found by going through classified sections of the newspaper. In fact, around 80 percent of jobs are found through networking. The Career Center offers resources to help you create your network.


Your resume should be a tailored document that highlights your education, 工作经验, 和技能. It should provide a summary of your qualifications for a job, 实习, 奖学金, 助教奖学金, 合作社, 或者其他位置. 把它看作是推销你的个人手册! The Career Center offers resume and cover letter writing classes and consultations, as well as 面试技巧 workshops that will help you develop your brand.

感谢我们的合作伙伴 简历的目标, 专业的简历撰写服务, 海因兹社区学院 is pleased to offer access to career-related information and resume templates. 要获得访问权限,请登录您的学院中央帐户.

  • 安排一次咨询
  • 通过以下方式提交简历 大学中心


Interviews allow employers to assess you as a complete person, rather than just your qualifications on the printed page. Employers want to gauge whether or not you would be a good “fit” for their organization. This is also an opportunity for you to find out the same thing about the employer. Most employers consider the interview to be the most important part of the hiring decision. Come to the Career Center to see how you can begin preparing for your interviews. We will conduct mock interviews with industry professionals or if you prefer, 你可以安排一个一对一的咨询.

校园面试 & 招聘会

The Career Center brings employers to campus to interview students. The center staff has strategically recruited employers that have open positions. All students are eligible to participate in these recruiting events.


There are several ways to recruit quality students here at 希德. 我们在下面列出了这些机会. If you are interested and/ or have a question about any of these services please contact our office. 我们很乐意帮忙.


我们整个学年都会举办几次招聘会. Each fair is customized to target specific majors and fields of study.


Spend time on campus visiting classes and faculty members in the majors interested in recruiting. Speak to a variety of classes in 15-20 minute increments.


在校园的公共区域设立了一个摊位. This provides an opportunity to network and meet with students on a larger scale.


Conduct on-campus interviews with targeted students that are pre-screened.


Post position openings on 职业服务’ online recruiting site website, 大学中心. 在 书院中央网站.

教师 & 员工服务

作为印度的教职员工, we encourage you to utilize the services and programs offered by 职业服务. We serve as your source for professional development for your students.

联系 us today to schedule a presentation and/or refer a student.


  • 求职简介
  • 写简历 & 求职信
  • 面试101:如何在面试中脱颖而出
  • 从背包到公文包:毕业后该期待什么
  • Professional is as Professional Does: A “how to” on Professional Behavior
实习是全职的, 已付或未付*, practical 工作经验 directly related to a student’s professional interest and/or major. 实习 allow students to participate in some type of 工作经验 prior to completing their degree. Work experience in a method of understanding the job, profession or field. These experiences are intended to close the gap between school and work.
  1. 学以致用
  2. 发现你喜欢什么,不喜欢什么
  3. 与合适的人建立联系
  4. 获得雇主想要的经验
  5. 发展你的职业身份
  6. 过渡到全职职位
Numerous 实习 are available in the program area of study as well as congressional 实习s and Disney 实习s. The most direct way for students to learn about these employment opportunities is through the 职业服务 Center at 海因兹社区学院 which is located at the 鹰岭会议中心 on the 雷蒙德 Campus. 学生s and alumni may follow 海因兹社区学院 职业服务 on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, 和Twitter查看就业机会, 实习机会, 即将到来的招聘会等. 学生s and alumni may also register and upload their 简历 to our online job posting board 大学中心 Network at 大学中心. 这将允许他们直接访问CCN. In addition to the 职业服务 Center can help students with cover letters, 简历, 面试技巧, 职场期望. 其他 excellent sources of 实习s opportunities are 实习 databases available online and personal contacts with family and friends. 以下是一些优秀的实习数据库.